Culture and online social presence article

This is interesting – are some countries so free with whoring out their friendship? Or is it the other way round – some cultures are just not friendly enough…?

Diaspora, the next Facebook?

Diaspora: The privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all, open source social network….This website is in development, but intends to fix issues that Facebook doesnt seem too fussed about – the info that goes to your work colleagues, and the info that you dont want them to see.

You can read more, here:

Can’t wait to see a finished product.  Im in a mode where I’m killing myself off FB slowly. Its a cathartic feeling to defriend up to 5 people a day…. mwahahahaha!

The History of Search

Love this infographic

Catfish Movie – Facebooking Gone Wrong

Heres a movie that incorporates a bit of Facebook, a bit of online deception (possibly) and the hint of if you havent met the person you’ve been chatting to online, then it could very well be that Russian sailor in Belarus…the synopsis;

“In late 2007, filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost sensed a story unfolding as they began to film the life of Ariel’s brother, Nev. They had no idea that their project would lead to the most exhilarating and unsettling months of their lives. A reality thriller that is a shocking product of our times, Catfish is a riveting story of love, deception and grace within a labyrinth of online intrigue.”
Trailer here:

C is for Cookie – Privacy Cookies, that is….

Heres a good step by step article from the Wall Street Journal online about how to protect your privacy and browsing habits online. This should be de riguer amongst todays surfers.

I’m all for allow information to be freely available, but as to whether peoples habits should be accounted for?

Thats a different story. So why dont you practice being a Cookie Monster, and clear your cookies and cache after each session. Typing in your passwords each time is a small price to pay in lieu of preventing big brother from looking over your virtual shoulder….and like Cory Doctorow espouses, they definitely do.

btw, STILL no Palm Pre in sight, in Singapore. I’ve given up. Iphone4, anyone? (Chorus of Yes’s abound…)