Future Product: You Know What Would Be Cool?

You know what would be cool here in Singapore?

A website as well as physically located and well placed screens with maps/infographics updated in real time of events and happenings going on. Directions on how to get there would be cool as well, and the duration of the event.

Singapore is small enough but busy enough to make such a happen-graphic work.Imagine a person strolls up to the party district, Clarke Quay or checks their real-time updated app/website – a map with icons appears before their eyes, with information displaying whats on, whether there is an entry fee, if and when its happy hour and if the party is happening via people registering their interest or attendance or actual location on the premises via GPS.

I know part of the fun is strolling down the party district, but sometimes, you just want to get where the party is, and there are alot of people, or you want to chill out.

Issues: How to monitor misuse? Registered users?
How to prevent this from being a guide for would-be terrorists?

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