The World is being Rebooted

This world has gone through a few operating systems, ages and eras (errors). From the prehistoric to the analogue, and the Obama from the Bush (speaking of errors). From the modern to the postmodern, to the great era that we consumers know as the internet wars ie TODAY.

This world is in reboot. New ways of packaging, viewing and controlling information. We wiggle, the information on the screen dances. We wave, the characters prance.

Some indicators of the reboot:

  • That access to the internet should be a democratic right, so say 4 out of 5 people in a poll of nearly 27,000.
  • That Google’s decision to stop censoring search resultsĀ  is such a huge statement that it could have a substantive impact on how China interacts with the rest of the world.
  • That ways of viewing information on a device affects human thoughts and behavior past mere trends; Wii went with hand motion wands, the Xbox will implement a motion-tracking system called Project Natal and Avatar really introduced us to the fact that 3D can actually work.The buzz about the iPad is completely defcon. There is no more GUI (general user interface), – we are actually manipulating information! This is more Tron than Tron.

As THUNDERBIRDS would state it, eyes blazing and pool retracting, we are definitely GO.

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