Daily Archives: August 7, 2009

Microsoft, Yahoo, Google – Further thoughts on Boo, Yay, Meh

Ive had a lot of feedback on my short write up of the Microsoft-Yahoo search deal – original post here.

Allow me to elaborate on the Boo-Yay-Meh 😉

Firstly, why Microsoft Boo?

During the years, the sheer dominance and anti-competitive practices (as deemed in USA v Microsoft etc) have defined the last decade and had a guiding hand if not direct hand in Googles “do not do evil” creed. Microsoft has always been the great bully. This has tied in the universally subconscious negative opinion of Microsoft and the slow murmur of discontent from developers and IT staff who deal with the upgrading of software and patching of security and application holes in the products, which are constant, troublesome and indicative of poor industry practice. Moving between Windows XP to the horror that is Vista and its inane menus and animations which seemingly seemed to slow down rather than enhance the user experience, created such a backlash of vitriol at the thought of re-education, that many workplaces chose not to migrate.

I’ll take Google, Meh next;

Google – effective and sprawling and visionary. Effective because it is very very rare not to find what you are looking for on the first page of a Google search. Sprawling  because though Google is best known for search, they have a whole host of other products that are impressive, forward thinking and constantly being improved – Gmail, Google Voice, Google Docs, Google Labs, the Google Books project, their latest foray, Chrome and Wave…the list of products seems almost inexhaustive and google-gargantuan. Visionary – well, besides their “don’t be evil” code of conduct, alot of what they are doing reasonates within me. The Google Books project is one I really love. The ability to save and access your files via Gmail, is great (they were the first to have virtually no limit of storage, remember?).  Of course, all of this can easily be turned into a creature of monopolistic and epic proportions, but  I dont feel so. I think that very early on Eric and Sergey, together with many smart people sat down, talked, and wished to do good, and have strived to do so. So if Google is doing a good job, benefits the consumer, then “meh” means let them continue, – because as a consumer whos standing in the queue, waiting for their hot dog, “meh” – shoulder shrug, means things are going along just fine.

Finally, Yahoo, Yay;

Yahoo is one of the players who have lasted at the Poker table that has been the internet bubble from the early 90’s.  Yahoo’s has never pretended to be anything except a gateway to the online – a divergent media portal with a  search, and email which have always been implemented in a steady and even manner – never groundbreaking but always reliable. Kind of like the uncle that you always see at the family gatherings each year…steady and constant and in doing so, being reassuring. There is no great altruistic undertones to not do evil, Yahoo is a company that is trying to stay relevant from year to year. Yahoo, if you are listening,  you can work in tandem with Microsoft, just dont get acquired… so yay, for now…

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