Daily Archives: August 25, 2009

I’ve got a Virus and its contagious

Hello world. Here I am.



It used to be – Hey, Mom look at Me! If you wanted to be famous you had to get on TV.

Apparently there are three things people want in life – Wealth, Fame, and Happiness.

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Internet Behavior

Alot of us have developed some silly, sometimes borderline meaningless habits and behavior when it comes to computing and using the Internet. Here is my attempt to categorise, quantify and describe some of them:


Blankly sitting and watching the torrent download % by % even though there are literally hours left to go until the download is complete. There is an undercurrent of irrational feeling that watching the download will hurry it up.


Downloading movies that you aren’t even keen to watch because you’ve downloaded everything else.  This often results in unearthing gems of content or just meaningless movies stored on a harddrive for emergency occasions. Continue reading